Posted in poems

My Lousy Poems- Part 2

Namaste, bloggers! 🙏

Today, I’m excited to share the second part of My Lousy Poems.

Mind you, this part exceeds in lameness than the previous one😂 So brace yourself

1. A friend

He calls me “dude”.

I call him “bro.”

And off to this park I sometimes go.
We talk with cheer.
We talk with ease.
We discuss our life, sports and the breeze.

He calls me “man”.

I call him “bud”.

And we joke around on almost every stuff.
We talk.
We speak.
We chit.
We chat.
We talk of them, or this, or that.

He calls me “pal”.

I call him “friend”.

And on that man I can depend.
I trust him well.
He feels the same.

I never really asked his name.

2. Roses and Violets

Roses are blue, violets are red, everybody should stop judging, especially you

3. For a smile

Dear friend, it’s been some time

since I read your poems

I miss reading line after line

of thoughts with which I’m smitten.

Your words are sweet.

I enjoy the treat

of reading them all the time.

You’re deemed elite!

it’s quite a feat

for me to bring out this novice rhyme

You’re so intelligent. damn inspiring too

maybe I shall write some poetry for you.

Something short, hopefully light and airy

like fluffy feathers or wings of dove or fairy!

Hope this poetry can add that simple, sunny touch

enough to make you smile, thank you so much 🙂

4. High on Love

Baby you’re like honey, and I’m a fly
Trapped in this sweet mess, I don’t wanna die
Your lips are like water on the hot summer day
I can’t stop drinking even if it sounds too cliche

Your existence is music to my ears,
Tuned perfectly to kill all my fears
your touch send shivers down my spine
So after you leave I like to drink my red wine

I reach out, eager to express my love, only to discover all the words have been stolen
Who directed this movie, I’m sure it must be Christopher Nolan
oh, and these stars aren’t fixed in the sky,
nor are they broken but surely I am so damn high

Hey, now that you’re finally with me
I look and wonder at the vastness of sky and the sea
How did I get here? you said to my surprise
We were here the whole night, remember you said I was funny and wise

Hey creepy dude get away from me
I was High yesterday and felt fancy free
You’re not my boyfriend you’re just full of shit
sorry to say but you’ve always been that dim wit

what do you mean baby girl
yesterday we were on the dewy grass, rolling on the turf
you said we don’t need any validation and hugged me so firm
oh, but, now I get it, you and your dirty terms

5. Little Abhi and the Coronavirus

When Little Abhi woke one day,
And donned his fluffy robe –
Coronavirus made its way
With pace across the globe.

It spread to China, Italy and Spain,
The States, and the UK too –
It travelled far by boat and plane
For each and all to view!

He washed his hands and stayed inside,
And over time at last –
He found with thrill and delight
“Coronavirus passed”.

And so Little Abhi lived to fight again –
He shook his head and sighed.

But an asteroid crashed then.
And everybody died.

Hope you guys are having a great time 😁 I’ll be back with more stupid rhymes.

Posted in poems

A long time ago in a land far, far away….

A drive

Racing my way down the luxuriant hill,
under the sun
I drive with joy, into the arms of the majestic one
Savoring the moment passing by …
I listen
The wind whispers — watching leaves as they glisten
What an enchanting view, so mesmerized …
I drive fast
A gentle breeze wraps its arms all over me, my hands still on the wheel.
The passion I feel you know what I mean
Winter’s adventure just begun
Intoxicated by the blossoms …
I keep on driving, in a silent shun
Dreaming and romancing with my latest love
Yes November! You’re the one.