Posted in quotes

Nobody but you

In life you will lose companions, family and friends, yet regardless of who leaves your life, never lose yourself. The most essential things to figure out how to do is to love yourself when you feel unloved by those around you & be there for yourself when you feel like you have nobody.

Posted in quotes

Choose your peeps wisely!



When its dark,

A good friend will shine like a bright  star


A fake one will give you deep, deep scars.


So, remember it is always wise to use discretion when picking new friends because they are the one with whom you will hanging out till the end, with whom lots of time you will cheerfully spend,  someone on which you no have doubt and can depend!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


Posted in poems

A Question to live by

To my prudence, love, knowledge and glee.

We spent nights and days, talking endlessly,

Of sorrow, thoughts, books, future, reality,

So close we were but, we never knew why.

A sibling? Lover? Friend? Partner?

We dreamt of living, together and free,

Of doing everything, that we couldn’t complete.

But Alas! Life came, and tore us apart,

Made us, not one, but two hearts.

Never feeling the fact, I carried on.

Never knowing me full, it carried on.

I was never able, to show till now

How much I loved it, does it matter now?